We take care of all aspects of design from

Conceptualization to fulfillment

At Carmen Landaeta Design Studio, our goal is to elevate your space to its maximum potential. We feel design is a collaborative process, and work closely with all of our clients to truly get to know you and understand what you’re looking for. This helps us target your needs so we can identify the right look and feel for your project. Ultimately, our goal is to create a delightful interior environment that finds the perfect balance between you and your surroundings.

Consectetuer adipiscing iaculis. Sed sollicitudin ac, mollis ultrices, velit nec justo euismod nibh, imperdiet sit amet diam eros,

Duis dignissim mi ut laoreet mollis. Nunc id tellus finibus, eleifend mi vel, maximus justo mi tortor.

Et dolore magna aliqua. enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labortotam.

Mauris pretium

Donec ullamcorper, risus vel felis non neque vel hendrerit magna ac nunc eu eros.

Ut ultricies imperdiet sodales. Aliquam fringilla aliquam ex sit amet elementum. Proin bibendum sollicitudin feugiat. Curabitur ut egestas justo, vitae molestie ante. Integer magna purus, commodo in diam nec, pretium auctor sapien.

Mark Grenger




We focus on creating delightful interior environments. Our goal is to find the perfect balance between you and your surroundings. We deliver Interior Design and Project Management Services. Get in touch to know more about our services and processes.



Renovations and new construction projects can be daunting undertakings, but we are here to help. Our project-management services handle every step of the process to make your space redesign stress-free. Our services include: Project Management Services: – Sourcing. – Meeting with Millworkers. – Shop Drawings Review. – Site visits to ensure design intent is being implemented. – Phone, email and meetings to provide support to all trades. – Coordination with Mechanical Engineers, Lighting Designer & Audiovisual Consultant.


Transforming a space is all about the details, and we don’t skip a thing. Our interior design offerings cover a project’s complete scope, from initial planning through to the finishing touches. Our services include: Interior Design Consultation Design Concept Development Interior Design Package (AutoCAD) Space Planning Lighting Design FF&E Selection and Procurement Construction Documents Custom Furniture Design Custom Millwork Design Project Management Selection of Materials & Finishes Art Selection & Procurement

Mauris rhoncus

Nulla mauris dolor, gravida a varius blandit, auctor eget purus ut laoreet mollis.

Fusce ut velit

Vivamus in diam turpis. In condimentum maximus tristique id tellus finibus.

Tempus arcu

Fusce lobortis porttitor purus, vel vestibulum libero pharetra vel fringilla ut eleifend.

Faucibus lorem

Pellentesque lorem augue, fermentum nec nibh et ultrices tellus sit amet.

Molestie tortor

Fringilla sollicitudin orci. Integer pharetra magna non dictum et natoque penatibus.

Maecenas non laoreet lobortis odio.


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